Hand ID Table Result Date Details #2658 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 22:04:07 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $14.100
2021-01-10 22:04:07
Holahola12 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $113.300 $10.600 Lama456 $72.600 $3.500 (Folded)
#2657 DilerMarcel Lama456 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 22:03:40 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $23.700
2021-01-10 22:03:40
Lama456 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $123.900 $9.700 (Folded) Lama456 $52.400 $14.000
#2656 DilerMarcel Lama456 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 22:02:44 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $150
2021-01-10 22:02:44
Lama456 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $133.600 $50 (Folded) Lama456 $66.250 $100
#2655 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins the hand with a 2 pair 10s and 8s 2021-01-10 22:02:32 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $39.600
2021-01-10 22:02:32
Holahola12 wins the hand with a 2 pair 10s and 8s
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $94.050 $19.800 Lama456 $66.350 $19.800
#2654 DilerMarcel Lama456 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 22:01:04 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $150
2021-01-10 22:01:04
Lama456 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $113.850 $50 (Folded) Lama456 $86.000 $100
#2653 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins the hand with a pair of Aces 2021-01-10 22:00:52 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $20.800
2021-01-10 22:00:52
Holahola12 wins the hand with a pair of Aces
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $93.100 $10.400 Lama456 $86.100 $10.400
#2652 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins the hand with a a set of 3s 2021-01-10 21:59:51 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $103.500
2021-01-10 21:59:51
Holahola12 wins the hand with a a set of 3s
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $0 $76.800 Lama456 $96.500 $26.700 (Folded)
#2651 DilerMarcel Lama456 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 21:58:50 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $75.200
2021-01-10 21:58:50
Lama456 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $76.800 $21.400 (Folded) Lama456 $48.000 $53.800
#2650 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 21:57:52 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $4.400
2021-01-10 21:57:52
Holahola12 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $93.800 $4.300 Lama456 $101.800 $100 (Folded)
#2649 DilerMarcel Lama456 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 21:57:35 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $2.600
2021-01-10 21:57:35
Lama456 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $98.100 $700 (Folded) Lama456 $99.300 $1.900