Hand ID Table Result Date Details #2558 DilerMarcel Lama456 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 19:47:05 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $150
2021-01-10 19:47:05
Lama456 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $70.200 $50 (Folded) Lama456 $129.650 $100
#2557 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 19:46:53 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $150
2021-01-10 19:46:53
Holahola12 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $70.100 $100 Lama456 $129.750 $50 (Folded)
#2556 DilerMarcel Lama456 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 19:46:39 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $5.800
2021-01-10 19:46:39
Lama456 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $70.200 $1.800 (Folded) Lama456 $124.000 $4.000
#2555 DilerMarcel The pot is split between the players who have the best 2 pair 5s and 2s 2021-01-10 19:46:10 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $22.000
2021-01-10 19:46:10
The pot is split between the players who have the best 2 pair 5s and 2s
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $61.000 $11.000 Lama456 $117.000 $11.000
#2554 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 19:45:04 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $1.400
2021-01-10 19:45:04
Holahola12 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $70.600 $1.300 Lama456 $128.000 $100 (Folded)
#2553 DilerMarcel Lama456 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 19:44:47 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $8.200
2021-01-10 19:44:47
Lama456 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $71.900 $3.100 (Folded) Lama456 $119.900 $5.100
#2552 DilerMarcel Lama456 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 19:43:59 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $6.400
2021-01-10 19:43:59
Lama456 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $75.000 $1.900 (Folded) Lama456 $118.600 $4.500
#2551 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins the hand with a pair of Jacks 2021-01-10 19:43:03 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $10.200
2021-01-10 19:43:03
Holahola12 wins the hand with a pair of Jacks
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $66.700 $5.100 Lama456 $123.100 $5.100
#2550 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins the hand with a pair of 3s 2021-01-10 19:42:07 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $17.800
2021-01-10 19:42:07
Holahola12 wins the hand with a pair of 3s
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $54.000 $8.900 Lama456 $128.200 $8.900
#2549 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 19:41:06 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $7.800
2021-01-10 19:41:06
Holahola12 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $55.100 $5.300 Lama456 $137.100 $2.500 (Folded)