Hand ID Table Result Date Details #2508 DilerMarcel Lama456 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 19:05:29 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $11.000
2021-01-10 19:05:29
Lama456 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $97.700 $3.400 (Folded) Lama456 $191.300 $7.600
#2507 DilerMarcel Lama456 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 19:04:56 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $3.500
2021-01-10 19:04:56
Lama456 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $101.100 $1.200 (Folded) Lama456 $195.400 $2.300
#2506 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 19:04:25 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $19.100
2021-01-10 19:04:25
Holahola12 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $83.200 $16.800 Lama456 $197.700 $2.300 (Folded)
#2505 DilerMarcel Lama456 wins the hand with a pair of Kings 2021-01-10 19:03:10 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $134.400
2021-01-10 19:03:10
Lama456 wins the hand with a pair of Kings
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $0 $67.200 Lama456 $65.600 $67.200
#2504 DilerMarcel Lama456 wins the hand with a low straight 2021-01-10 19:02:22 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $31.600
2021-01-10 19:02:22
Lama456 wins the hand with a low straight
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $67.200 $15.800 Lama456 $101.200 $15.800
#2503 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 19:01:20 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $24.800
2021-01-10 19:01:20
Holahola12 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $58.200 $17.500 Lama456 $117.000 $7.300 (Folded)
#2502 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 19:00:35 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $5.000
2021-01-10 19:00:35
Holahola12 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $70.700 $4.100 Lama456 $124.300 $900 (Folded)
#2501 DilerMarcel Lama456 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 19:00:11 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $36.800
2021-01-10 19:00:11
Lama456 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $74.800 $12.300 (Folded) Lama456 $88.400 $24.500
#2500 DilerMarcel Lama456 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 18:59:08 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $2.100
2021-01-10 18:59:08
Lama456 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $87.100 $100 (Folded) Lama456 $110.800 $2.000
#2499 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins the hand with a full house 2021-01-10 18:58:49 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $23.200
2021-01-10 18:58:49
Holahola12 wins the hand with a full house
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $64.000 $11.600 Lama456 $112.800 $11.600