Hand ID Table Result Date Details #2368 DilerMarcel Parcel wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 17:22:45 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $16.300
2021-01-10 17:22:45
Parcel wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $211.900 $100 (Folded) Parcel $71.800 $16.200
#2367 DilerMarcel Parcel wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 17:22:06 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $150
2021-01-10 17:22:06
Parcel wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $212.000 $50 (Folded) Parcel $87.850 $100
#2366 DilerMarcel Parcel wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 17:21:31 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $300
2021-01-10 17:21:31
Parcel wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $212.050 $100 (Folded) Parcel $87.650 $200
#2365 DilerMarcel Parcel wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 17:20:22 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $150
2021-01-10 17:20:22
Parcel wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $212.150 $50 (Folded) Parcel $87.700 $100
#2364 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins the hand with a 2 pair Aces and 6s 2021-01-10 17:19:47 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $31.400
2021-01-10 17:19:47
Holahola12 wins the hand with a 2 pair Aces and 6s
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $180.800 $15.700 Parcel $87.800 $15.700
#2363 DilerMarcel Parcel wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 17:18:20 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $9.200
2021-01-10 17:18:20
Parcel wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $196.500 $2.300 (Folded) Parcel $94.300 $6.900
#2362 DilerMarcel Parcel wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 17:17:39 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $6.300
2021-01-10 17:17:39
Parcel wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $198.800 $1.300 (Folded) Parcel $94.900 $5.000
#2361 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 17:17:10 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $6.600
2021-01-10 17:17:10
Holahola12 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $193.500 $6.500 Parcel $99.900 $100 (Folded)
#2360 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins the hand with a 2 pair Kings and 3s 2021-01-10 17:16:07 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $157.600
2021-01-10 17:16:07
Holahola12 wins the hand with a 2 pair Kings and 3s
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $42.400 $78.800 Parcel $0 $78.800
#2359 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 17:14:59 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $7.300
2021-01-10 17:14:59
Holahola12 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $113.900 $4.600 Parcel $78.800 $2.700 (Folded)