Hand ID Table Result Date Details #2358 DilerMarcel Parcel wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 17:14:12 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $10.600
2021-01-10 17:14:12
Parcel wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $118.500 $3.100 (Folded) Parcel $70.900 $7.500
#2357 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins the hand with a King high straight 2021-01-10 17:13:13 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $121.600
2021-01-10 17:13:13
Holahola12 wins the hand with a King high straight
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $0 $60.800 Parcel $78.400 $60.800
#2356 DilerMarcel Parcel wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 17:11:28 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $43.800
2021-01-10 17:11:28
Parcel wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $60.800 $17.100 (Folded) Parcel $95.400 $26.700
#2355 DilerMarcel Parcel wins the hand with a 2 pair Aces and Kings 2021-01-10 17:10:38 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $38.400
2021-01-10 17:10:38
Parcel wins the hand with a 2 pair Aces and Kings
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $77.900 $19.200 Parcel $83.700 $19.200
#2354 DilerMarcel Holahola12 wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 17:09:08 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $4.900
2021-01-10 17:09:08
Holahola12 wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $92.200 $4.800 Parcel $102.900 $100 (Folded)
#2353 DilerMarcel Parcel wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 17:08:47 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $5.900
2021-01-10 17:08:47
Parcel wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $97.000 $100 (Folded) Parcel $97.100 $5.800
#2352 DilerMarcel Parcel wins, everyone folded 2021-01-10 17:08:28 View Hand DilerMarcel - Total Pot : $10.300
2021-01-10 17:08:28
Parcel wins, everyone folded
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $97.100 $2.900 (Folded) Parcel $92.600 $7.400
#2351 Hentai Holahola12 wins the hand with a Ace high straight 2021-01-10 15:27:55 View Hand Hentai - Total Pot : $1.800
2021-01-10 15:27:55
Holahola12 wins the hand with a Ace high straight
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $200 $900 Parcel $0 $900
#2350 Hentai The pot is split between the players who have the best King highcard 2021-01-10 15:26:39 View Hand Hentai - Total Pot : $40
2021-01-10 15:26:39
The pot is split between the players who have the best King highcard
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $1.080 $20 Parcel $880 $20
#2349 Hentai The pot is split between the players who have the best pair of 3s 2021-01-10 15:25:48 View Hand Hentai - Total Pot : $40
2021-01-10 15:25:48
The pot is split between the players who have the best pair of 3s
Dealt Cards
Cards Player Bankroll Bet holahola12 $1.080 $20 Parcel $880 $20